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Multilingualism in Swiss SMEs

Language learning is not just an individual endeavor, but it can also be a valuable corporate benefit. One way to achieve this is through a language tandem exchange program, where employees can practice and improve their language skills with their colleagues.

Benefits of Language Tandem Exchange

Language tandem exchange offers numerous benefits for both employees and the company as a whole. Here are just a few of the many advantages:

  1. Improved communication: By practicing and improving their language skills, employees will be better able to communicate with colleagues who speak different languages. This can lead to a more cohesive and productive team.
  2. Increased cultural understanding and empathy: Through regular interactions with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds, employees will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for different cultures and perspectives. This can lead to more empathy and understanding in the workplace, resulting in a more inclusive and diverse environment.
  3. Enhanced employee development and career opportunities: Language learning is a valuable skill that can enhance an employee's professional development and open up new career opportunities.
  4. Improved teamwork: By working together to practice and improve their language skills, employees will build stronger relationships and improve teamwork. This can lead to a more cohesive and productive team.
  5. Increased global competency: As the world becomes more interconnected, it's essential for companies to have employees who are globally competent. A language tandem exchange program can help employees develop this competency, making them better equipped to work with international clients or colleagues.

Get Started

One great way to implement a language tandem exchange program in the workplace is by signing up for sprachtandem.ch. On our website, companies can register and have their employees find language tandem partners within the company or on the entire platform. This allows for a wider variety of language pairings and the potential for employees to learn from native speakers. By utilizing sprachtandem.ch, companies can easily set up and manage a language tandem exchange program, making it a convenient and effective way to improve communication and cultural understanding in the workplace.

Find tandem partners in over 70 languages ✌️

Last active 5.5.2024


  • German


  • English
  • French


  • CH-4542
  • Male
  • 34
  • ☕️ In-Person

Hey ich wohne in Luterbach und möchte gerne meine Sprachkenntnisse in Englisch und Französisch verbessern (aktuelles Niveau B1) Gerne lehre ich Deutsch oder Schweizerdeutsch.

Hobbies and interests

Wandern, Spazieren

Last active 5.5.2024


  • English
  • French


  • German


  • CH-8057
  • Female
  • 26
  • 💻 Online
  • ☕️ In-Person

Hi, I'm Loé! I learned German at school and took courses the last year but I would like to practice my German to speak more fluently. I currently have a B1 level. In return, I can help you with French (my mother tongue) and English (level C1).

Hobbies and interests

Photography, hiking, reading, painting.

Last active 5.5.2024


  • Swiss German
  • German


  • English


  • CH-5000
  • Female
  • 39
  • ☕️ In-Person

Hallo, ich heisse Isabella und wohne in Aarau. Gerne möchte ich mein Englisch verbessern. Da ich im Verkauf arbeite habe ich immer wieder mit Englischsprachigen Kunden zu tun und möchte mich besser verständigen können. Grammatikalisch bin ich noch nicht ganz perfekt😅 Ich kann dir dafür mit Deutsch oder Schweizerdeutsch weiterhelfen.

Hobbies and interests

Natur, Fotografieren, Städtetrip

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